Help us fill the grounds of Oxford! Create “A Colorful World” for our tiny fairy friends by creating a magical fairy house inspired by your favorite color(s). We need your help to make this happen and to spread magic for the young and old alike!
THEME: The theme for the contest is “A Colorful World.” Let’s build magical, colorful fairy houses inspired by your favorite color(s)! Fairy houses must be created in part or in whole using natural materials such as sticks, stones, acorns, pine cones, etc. However, you would like to build your fairy house is your liberty!
There are three categories, please enter one. The categories are:
1. Little Sprites: for kids (ages 2-8) and families prizes 1st-3rd
2. Sprites: for kids (ages 9 and up) and families prizes 1st-3rd
3. Fantastical Fairies: for adults prizes 1st-3rd.
Please bring your fairy house to the Fairy Queen with your filled out form at the festival.