Since 1997, the Knights of Valour have been entertaining North American audiences with exciting shows of horsemanship, bravery, and chivalry. The tradition continues as their 2022 season is filled with opportunities. No matter what type of event, the Athletes and crew of the Knights of Valour are ready to entertain you in a style worthy of Kings!
Pirate sword fighting for powder monkeys both young and young at heart. Join Cut and Run as they take you though the evolution of pirate weapons and teach your young powder monkey how to fight with a sword… Teaching children to fight with a sword? What could possibly go wrong? All your child needs to bring is a fearsome pirate name and even more fearsome pirate yell. But parents, don’t go far because after we teach your child how to fight like a pirate, we will give you a sword to defend yourself from the newly graduated member of the boarding party!
Known for our range of music, from Medieval & Renaissance to The Unlikely, North America's only gemshorn quartet is now fortified with even more instruments you've never heard of. Our unique consort continues to gain considerable notoriety, with our Bardcore YouTube hits "Star Wars Cantina Band" & "Gem of Thrones". Hall Train (builder of our instruments), Dean Burry, Chris Hoffman, & Trevor Rines are delighted to be performing for our 6th year at this, our favourite Ren Faire. Follow our escapades on Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube, & find our album, Puck's Deceit, at www.thegemsmen.com
Based out of London, ON, we be a rambunctious group o' pirate musicians! Our main focus be shanties, jigs and reels, traditional irish music and on the right occasion a few naughtycal songs as well. You could be finding us terrorizing downtown London, or invading your favorite local pub. Or any port town near Port Rowan from our good ship "The Buccaneer" From weddings to children's parties we have you covered for yer pirate musical entertainment. Huzzah!